I did these for my cousin, Chrissy, for her 18th birthday! When Chrissy was 5, her mother which is my aunt, and her sister who was my cousin were both killed in a tragic car accident, thankfully she survived the accident. Losing a parent at a young age changes the path your life takes. We are very close i beleive because we both lost a parent at a younge age. I lost my dad when I was 7months old to a motorcycle accident. People come into your life that help fill the bumpy road that comes with a lose and those people I call Angels. Chrissy is so younge still on her journey and Im glad I get to be a small Angel in her life. So for her shoes I wanted to do something that would push her foward and reming her to keep on steppin. I did the daisies since they are a flower that symbolize remembering those who have passed. The eyes I drew on the side are looking up towards heaven with a teardrop to remind her that her mother and sister are always going to guide her where she belongs in life. It is a blessing always. :) L